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Penis Pumps

How To Make Sex Better With A Penis Pump

How To Make Sex Better With A Penis Pump

  • Sunday, 23 February 2020
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You might think a penis pump is just for guys who can’t get hard. The truth is that anyone with a penis can use a penis pump  simply because it feels good and makes sex more pleasurable.

Having better sex is a relative thing. If the sex you have — alone or with a partner — is already good, this just enhances the moment. If your sex life has been lackluster, whether due to stress, erectile dysfunction, or something else, the right penis pump might be what you need to get excited about getting naked.

Here are a few ways penis pumps improve your sex life.

Use It to Tease Yourself

Use It to Tease YourselfPenis pumps like the Vacuum Pump toy help pull blood into your shaft, encouraging or even “forcing” an erection. Many guys find the stimulation of pumping quite pleasant and a turn on. As part of your sexual experience, you can pump simply to make yourself feel good. Maybe you do it while you watch your partner masturbate. Maybe they ride your face or stroke your body while you’re pumping.

You can also use your penis pump to edge yourself a little. Pump until you’re rock hard. Release the suction and stroke yourself or ask your partner to touch you. You’re going to feel amazing and will probably want to get off, but don’t. Stop just short of that and do something else. When you feel the sensations decrease a bit, start again with the pump and touching yourself. By the time you do get off, it’ll be explosive.

Temporarily Enhance Your Size

Let’s be clear — any size gains you get from a penis pump will be temporary. But for some guys, it’s a substantial gain. Real talk: size doesn’t matter most of the time. But if you’re not getting the sensations you crave or hitting the right spots on your partner’s body, a temporary increase is worth considering.

With the tube around your shaft, and the pump in your hand, the suction power of the penis pump will draw more blood into your shaft than you can do on your own from arousal or stimulation. It causes a natural size enhancement because of the force of the pump itself creating your erection. Making yourself bigger for sex isn’t something you’ll want to always rely on. It’s better to focus on finding other ways to gain sexual pleasure. But for those moments when you want to penetrate deeper, a penis pump comes in handy (pun intended).

Enjoy the Extra Sensitivity

Maybe size isn’t an issue for you. A penis pump like the one from Luvkis Male Penis Enlargement Pump can still improve your sex life. Because of how it forces blood into your shaft, many men notice their penis is much more sensitive while they’re hard. This can work in your favor in several ways.

  • Imagine feeling extra sensitive when your partner sucks or licks you during a blowjob.
  • Think about how good you feel in their hand even on an average day — now imagine it better than that. That’s the power of a penis pump.
  • And don’t forget the bliss of sinking your erection into their body and thrusting in and out.

All of it’s better when your skin and shaft feel everything more than before. A penis pump can make that happen.

Make Your Erection Firmer

To get a better hard-on with a penis pump, you need one more thing — a cock ring. The pump does it’s job by giving you a bigger erection, and the ring keeps your erection rock hard. Cock rings on their own can make you harder and bigger. When you pair the two, it’s a combination made in orgasmic heaven.

Before you begin pumping, place a cock ring around the base of your shaft or around your testicles. Slide the tube over your penis and get yourself as hard as you can. The additional blood flow will be constricted by the ring which make you harder and keep you that way longer.


The biggest lesson to take away from this is that penis pumps take what you already have and make it better. If you focus on how you feel and ways you can enjoy the temporary enhancements, you’re practically guaranteed to have better sex. Enjoy the ride and know your penis pump will be there for you the next time you want to have a good time.

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