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How To Stimulate The Clitoris With A Vibrator

How To Stimulate The Clitoris With A Vibrator

  • Tuesday, 12 November 2019
  • 3
  • 4533
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What is the Clitoris?

Found at the top of the vulva, the clitoris is a nerve-packed area found on people who have vaginas. Generally regarded as the entire "pleasure center" of the region, the clitoris is extremely sensitive and can be quite orgasmic when touch correctly! Unlike most parts of the vaginal reproductive system, the clitoris doesn't seem to have any apparent reproductive use. It just provides pleasure - and lots of it!

Why Would you Stimulate it?

For a lot of clitoris-owning individuals, the clitoris is the center of sexual pleasure. While some enjoy vaginal stimulation as well, a lot of them find that stimulation of the clit is also required in order to enjoy an orgasm. Since the clitoris is just jam-packed with so many nerve endings, it makes sense that it might be such a perfect spot for pleasure!

How To Stimulate the Clitoris with a Vibrator

Luckily, once you know where and what the clitoris is, using a sex toy on the area can be pretty simple! Most vibrators are already designed for clitoral pleasure, so all you have to do is use that sex toy's design to pleasure the clitoris! To make it even better, we've broken down the steps even further:

Arouse the Clitoris-Owner

Whether you're the clitoris owner or your partner is, make sure the person is sexually aroused before you begin to use a vibrator on the clitoris. Due to all of the nerve endings in the clitoris, using a powerful vibrator on the spot before ensuring the person is aroused can actually be somewhat painful! As your vibrator recipient becomes more and more aroused, the body moves more and more blood into the vaginal area and clitoris - which allows the spot to enjoy more powerful sensations and consider them pleasurable - instead of too intense and painful.

Tease the Area

A lot of clitoris-owners find that moving from no stimulation to the power of a vibrator can be pretty jarring. After all, vibrators can be pretty powerful! We recommend that you use your hands (if you're comfortable) on the area beforehand. Gentle touches and strokes can be a great way to bond with yourself or with your partner, and it can be a great way to make the body yearn for even more sensation. (Have you read about 5 Ways to Get a Woman Off with Your Hand? ) If you're uncomfortable with using your hands, we recommend starting with the vibrator on the lowest settings as you begin to press the toy against the clitoris.

Press the Vibrator to the Area

Now that the body is ready, it's just a matter of pressing the vibrator to the clitoris. We recommend starting on the lower settings and increasing intensity as you or your partner want more pleasure. A lot of people like the vibrator to wiggled back and forth against the clitoris during use while other people prefer the vibrator to be held perfectly still. We recommend trying both or asking your partner what they would prefer. As many of our vibrators can also be very powerful, you might consider taking a break from the sensations once and awhile. Just make sure to ask your partner first if you're not using it on yourself! Your partner might be climbing their way to orgasm!

As you can see, stimulating the clitoris with a vibrator is pretty simple! Just follow your usual methods for sexual arousal and then include the vibrator when you'd normally be stimulating the clitoris anyway! Vibrators are super-easy to use - and that's how they were designed to be!

How do you like to stimulate the clitoris with a vibrator? Is there a specific position or method you use that you're fond of?

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